Kingston Fairtrade Group


Three countries in Africa need your help the most
Despite our increasing prosperity the gap between rich and poor countries is unacceptable, with many African countries actually becoming poorer. A child dies through poverty every 3 seconds. In the longer term fair trade, with sustainable use of resources, is the only way that this gap can be closed.

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
The world trading system is constructed and controlled to give rich countries a continuing trading advantage. This must change. A great international movement is now growing from awareness of the hypocrisy and injustice inherent in the present situation. Campaigns like Make Poverty History are trying to change the conditions of world trade.

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
Whilst that battle goes on, Fairtrade (one word, capital F) has several purposes. We can use it as a 'plaster' on the wound of injustice to alleviate some of the damage by giving producers an opportunity to improve their circumstances. It also encourages retailers etc to take more note of ethical and environmental issues, as well as raising awareness of the importance of trade to poor countries. The Fairtrade Mark (top left) on products is the only independent consumer guarantee that producers in poor countries get a better deal. See What is Fairtrade?

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
Here in Kingston the local Peace and Justice Network (see About the Kingston group) decided in the Spring of 2004 to mobilise to try and make Kingston a Fairtrade Borough (achieved in March 2005, see News), and thereby make many more people aware of Fairtrade products and of the injustices of the present trading system.

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
What you will find on this website, and from its links, we hope will inform and inspire YOU to play a part in this important international movement.

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
With the support of The co-operative membership

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
We hope that this directory will help you to find Fairtrade products in the borough of Kingston. The four areas of the borough used by Kingston Council for its neighbourhood committees are used here to give a general location, with a fuller address to the right.

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
This directory is regularly updated so we would be grateful if you would let us know about any new products you notice in shops or catering outlets in your area of Kingston. To do this, or for more information, please contact us.

Three countries in Africa need your help the most
To get an idea of the range of products available in supermarkets, click below for lists of all Fairtrade items, with prices, available at Surbiton Waitrose and Sainsbury’s in February 2012.

What is Fairtrade? - and 'fair trade'?

This section gives a summary of Fairtrade, the Fairtrade Mark, and the two organisations behind Fairtrade in the UK, FLO and the Fairtrade Foundation. It also explains how fair or ethical sourcing differs from Fairtrade.


Fairtrade (Capital F, all one word), see above trademark. The Fairtrade trademark denotes that the product has been subject to the CERTIFICATION SCHEME operated by the Fairtrade Foundation. This applies to products from developing countries, which are independently monitored and guaranteed by the Fairtrade Foundation, a member of the International Fairtrade Labelling Association (FLO).

For the farmers and workers, Fairtrade means a stable price which covers production costs and pays a premium to the community that it can decide to use in whatever way it chooses. It might invest in business development, or in social and environmental schemes that will benefit the wider community. Many farmers in the developing world have to contend with fluctuating prices that may not even cover the costs incurred in producing their crop. For farmers fortunate enough to be able to sell some of their produce into the scheme, Fairtrade makes a big impact on their day-to-day life and their families' future.

To find out about some products and how individual producers and their communities have benefited from Fairtrade visit the Fairtrade Foundation's

Fairtrade is based on a clear set of internationally agreed criteria, which are independently assessed and monitored. The whole system is open and transparent. It operates in 59 developing countries and the Fairtrade certified goods are sold in 22 countries.

Fairtrade standards stipulate that traders must:

pay a price to producers that covers the costs of sustainable production and living;
pay a "Fairtrade premium" that communities can invest in ways that they choose themselves;
for instance, they may invest in health clinics, schools, better roads to get their produce to market, etc;
make partial advance payments when requested by producers;
sign contracts that allow for long-term planning and sustainable production practices.

Fairtrade labelling was created in the Netherlands in the 1980s. Max Havelaar launched the first Fairtrade consumer guarantee label in 1986 on coffee sourced from Mexico.

The Fairtrade Foundation

The Fairtrade Foundation is the UK agency responsible for administering the FAIRTRADE Mark and increasing consumer awareness of Fairtrade in the UK. The Fairtrade Foundation was set up by CAFOD, Christian Aid, New Consumer, Oxfam, Traidcraft Exchange and the World Development Movement to award the Fairtrade mark to products from developing countries that meet certain criteria. The founding organisations were later joined by Britain's largest women's organisation, the Women's Institute.

The Fairtrade Foundation website has more details on national Fairtrade issues along with information on Fairtrade products. There are also fascinating stories from the people who benefit most from Fairtrade.

Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO)

FLO is the worldwide body, comprising the Fairtrade Foundation and its partner organisations in other countries, that has overall responsibility for developing Fairtrade criteria and managing producer registers. There are now 21 organisations in different countries, including the Fairtrade Foundation, that run this international standard setting and monitoring body.

FLO enables about seven and a half million producers, workers and their dependents in 59 countries to benefit from Fairtrade labeling. FLO guarantees that products sold anywhere in the world with the Fairtrade label conform to Fairtrade standards and contribute to the development of their producers.


The Fairtrade Mark above is the "seal of approval" which appears on products meeting the Fairtrade standards described above.

FLO, with support from the European Commission, harmonised the Fairtrade labels from different countries into this international image.

The FAIRTRADE Mark is the only independent consumer guarantee of fair trade. Over 70% of the British adult population now recognize the FAIRTRADE Mark.

Fairtrade Products

There are now over 4,500 products that carry the FAIRTRADE Mark. The product range includes tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar, bananas and other fresh fruit, juices, honey, cakes, biscuits, cereal bars, jams, sauces, nuts, ice cream, wine, herbs and spices, skincare products, sports balls, flowers and cotton goods, including clothing and household linen.

Between 2008 and 2009, Fairtrade labeled sales in the UK grew by 12%%, despite the recession, now being worth over £799 million pa. Nearly 20% of the roast and ground coffee market is certified Fairtrade, and 1 in 4 of all bananas sold in the UK are Fairtrade.

Other fair and ethical trading schemes

FLO and its partners have not yet been able to develop standards for many goods other than foods and drinks as this is a time-consuming and expensive process. However there are other schemes claiming to be ethically sourced, fairly traded etc, and many of these are fine. Look for membership of a reputable organisation like BAFTS (British Association of Fair Trade Shops - although being a "shop" isn't essential!) or IFAT (International Federation for Alternative Trade).

Where to buy Fairtrade products?